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Business Support Tools

Statistics, Procedures, Tariffs, Country profile

Advantage Ukraine

Advantage Ukraine

Government Programs, Country profile

Agencia Empresarial para la Transformación y el Desarrollo Económico Trade

Andalucía TRADE is the Business Agency for Economic Transformation and Development, an ambitious project of the Andalusian Government.

Country profile

Agency for Business and Economic Development (AWE)

On AWE’s website, you can already find a collection of the most important links for digital matchmaking (, funding, financing, business, human rights, network, international organizations, as well as associations and chambers.

Country profile, Statistics

Assembly of European Regions

The Assembly of European Regions is the largest independent network of regions in wider Europe, gathering regions from 35 countries – from Norway to Turkey and from Georgia to Portugal.

Country profile

BME B2B Matching

B2B Matching is designed to facilitate business-to-business matchmaking and networking opportunities for companies across various industries.

Government Programs, Co-financing

Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz

This is the federal funding database. Here you get an overview of the funding programs of the federal government, the states, and the European Union.

Grants, Procedures, Country profile

Business for Ukraine Center (Poland)

The Center provides extensive advisory and educational support for legal and administrative services, assists in establishing business connections, offers dedicated assistance in finding suitable business locations, and offers comprehensive macroeconomic data for ensuring success.

Statistics, Country profile

Catalonia Trade & Investment

Catalonia Trade & Investment is the public agency that works to attract foreign investment to Barcelona and Catalonia, promoting the area as an attractive, innovative and competitive business location.


Development AID

This platform provides information about tenders and grants, potential partner organizations, short- and long-term projects for individual consultants, tender shortlisting, and awards.

Statistics, Procedures, Tenders and procurements, Co-financing

Dream Pipeline

Dream Pipeline

Government Programs, Grants, Co-financing, Tenders and procurements

EU4Business Grant Opportunities

Незважаючи на виклики та труднощі, згідно з даними сервісу Opendatabot, після 24 лютого в Україні з’явилося понад 51 000 нових підприємців: 43 000 ФОП та 8000 юридичних осіб. Допомогти в розвитку бізнесу під час війни намагається держава та міжнародні організації – за допомогою грантів.

Country profile

Eastern Partnership

A single-entry point for information on market access, trade procedures, and contacts of potential partners in EaP, as well as the EU. Exporters, importers, and service providers can use it to grow their exports and expand into additional markets.

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