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How to Harness The Power of Positive Psychology In Everyday Life

Language: English

Time for review: 75 minutes

Are you ready to live a life by choice, rather than a life by accident? Positive Psychology offers new perspectives on how to achieve greater wellbeing, emotional fulfillment, and happiness by harnessing the power from within.

Topics under discussion:

  • Key concepts and benefits of Positive Psychology.

  • Strategies to enact positive change in your life.

  • Steps to use Positive Psychology to manage stress.

  • How to connect Positive Psychology to career goals.

  • Easy-to-understand actions to promote greater cognitive flexibility in communication and problem solving at work, as well as in your personal life.

About speaker

Sherry S. Kelly, PhD, a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Clinical Neuropsychologist with more than 30 years’ experience in the field of child development. Dr. Kelly began her career as an educational researcher in 1977 at the University of Minnesota Center for Youth Development and Research. Dr. Kelly completed her undergraduate degree in Social Education at Boston University. During the 1980’s, Dr. Kelly worked with several non-profit organizations and education-focused companies. Her graduate work experience included clinical research with Dr. Lee Salk and a faculty appointment to Cornell Medical School.


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