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Transformational Strategy. Shift to High Level of Employees’ Involvement and Collaboration

Language: Russian/English

Time for review: 70 minutes

Modern leaders strive for a high level of involvement and collaboration within their organizations. The shift is possible if there is clear and grounded strategy for changing eight aspects of any organization – from defining necessary skills to communication and leadership style.

Topics for discussion:

  • Review the Organizational Development Map developed by ICA Associates.

  • Learn about the facilitative approach to transformation.

About speakers:

Bill Staples, a сo-founder ICA Associates. Bill is an author, publisher of the IAF Journal. Bill is in the Hall of Fame of the International Association of Facilitators.

Oleh Shapovalov, a manager of digital transformation programs at DTEK Academy, Certified ToP Facilitator (CTF).

Oleksiy Svetlichnyi, a co-founder School of Expert facilitation, Phd, Certified ToP Facilitator (CTF).


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