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Warconomic Talks

Language: English

Time for review: 50 minutes

Date: 20.05.2022

Ukraine’s economic resources are mobilized for the war now. Sure, on the one hand, such a reorganization is devastating but, on the other hand, it can create room for a new model of development. So, the experts around the world keep focusing on Ukraine to see what is next. Learn about their opinions, thoughts, and forecasts at our topical new event series – Warconomic Talks.

Our first guest is PD Dr. Marcus Keupp who is specialized in military economics. He shared his vision on the economic reconstruction of Ukraine – what should it look like and how long will it take?

Also, we talked about how the war in Ukraine affects the geopolitical situation, international security architecture and business opportunities.

Our second guest is Elena Parker, MBA, who was born in Kharkiv and has founded, a Swiss not for profit association designed to support small and mid-size companies in Ukraine with a vision to help re-build Ukraine. Elena shared insights about potential collaboration opportunities between Swiss and Ukrainian businesses.


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