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Інструменти підтримки бізнесу

Country profile

Eastern Partnership

A single-entry point for information on market access, trade procedures, and contacts of potential partners in EaP, as well as the EU. Exporters, importers, and service providers can use it to grow their exports and expand into additional markets.


European public tenders

All tenders within EU 27 +EEA (and beyond) are included, above a threshold of 140th € for goods and services. All in all, municipalities, ministries, public companies, regions, etc. Also includes tenders related to third countries with EU funding/cofounding, such as Serbia, Ukraine, etc.

Co-financing, Government Programs

Export Credit Guarantees

Euler Hermes is commissioned to implement the federal funding instrument Export Credit Guarantees.

Government Programs

Export Credit Guarantees

By decision of the so-called Interministerial Committee of the Federal Government, a rule-based review will now apply when accepting export credit guarantees for Ukraine. This replaces a strict case-by-case assessment and the requirement for bank collateral.


Export Potential Map

This is a free tool that turns economic analysis into practical trade information using the ITC export potential methodology.

Government Programs

Financial instruments offered by France

Financial instruments offered by France

Government Programs

Global Gateway

The Global Gateway stands for sustainable and trusted connections that work for people and the planet. It helps to tackle the most pressing global challenges, from fighting climate change, to improving health systems, and boosting competitiveness and security of global supply chains.

Tariffs, Procedures

Global Trade Helpdesk

This platform shows a world of trade opportunities in one place with detailed information about imports, market dynamics, tariffs, regulatory requirements, potential buyers, and more.

Tenders, Events

InfoDesk Ukraine & Eastern Partnership

At this platform companies may find information on key players, contact persons in development cooperation, specific offers, relevant tenders, and events. Also, companies can benefit from free advice and networking.

Government Programs

Investment Guarantees of the Federal Republic of Germany

Investment Guarantees: an instrument to promote foreign trade and investment provided by the Federal Ministry for economic affairs and climate action.


Investment Map of Ukraine

Grants, Co-financing, Events

KSE Talents for Ukraine

Програма з підтримки яскравих, креативних й талановитих українців від Київської Школи Економіки.

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